What are some hidden facts nobody wants to accept about living life ?

1 month ago 45

I know some people might not agree with my perspective but in my culture, I’ve noticed over the years that people are really insecure about having a perfect life as they fear the judgement of society. They tell their kids to aim for higher grades so their parents name in society increases maybe it’s their value or social status. Then aiming for high paying job or moving abroad because that will increase financial status. People are so insecure that they buy things just to impress others or have this need feeling of being accepted in society where people are rich. So they see iPhones, branded clothes, looks and beauty as a way of being accepted. Caring about how many followers you have on Instagram. Creating this boundary line between the rich and poor. I’m only in mid20s stage and I’m seeing this sort of stuff makes me feel sad like why are people so greedy and desperate for attention and being accepted by others.

submitted by /u/Jpoolman25
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