I don’t know what’s up with me but it’s been like this since I was a kid, a time I should’ve been more whimsically naive. Things could actually be going alright in my life but I’ll let whatever negative I find overshadow all that shit.
For example, my life rn isn’t amazing by any means but it’s a far cry from what it was even last year around this time. I live on my own now and not on a friends sofa or bunk bed, I work a job I actually kinda like now in a department that’s chill asf, I’ve lost a lot of weight since last year and even started getting compliments from people on my body and skin oddly enough. Hell I’m even getting slightly more attention from women now (again, nothing crazy just not comically horrible like it was… so that’s a start I guess) and yet I can’t help but still hyper focus on whatever negative is out there and I let it run my viewpoint of the world as a whole.
I guess when you’re m so used to bad shit happening to you left and right that you don’t know how to process the good so you just default to focusing on what you do know, the bullshit. I’ve had so many backhanded “good things” happen in life that I almost believe all the positives I’ve listed above is just God or whatever entity is out there fucking with me until he can finally pull the rug under me at the right time. It’s a bad mentality to have but I can’t help it.
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