It feels like all the good ones are already taken once you’re dating after 30.

1 month ago 18

It feels like the only people left to date are either damaged, toxic, or a mix of both.

I haven't dated in over a year because, frankly, I'm a bit of a mess myself—if that wasn’t already obvious. But honestly, even when I feel like I’m in a better place, I’m not in any rush to jump back into the dating scene. Everything I’ve observed so far suggests that most people over 30 in the dating pool have either been through serious emotional and mental struggles (I’m one of them, unfortunately), or they’re simply not interested in or ready for a serious relationship. Anytime I come across someone who seems like they could be a good partner and actually has their life together, they’re already in a relationship. It feels like the rest of us are just leftovers.

I’m not trying to sound negative or upset anyone. Just sharing how I feel based on what I’ve seen and experienced. I’m open to discussion and not claiming my perspective is the only one.

submitted by /u/Abigali_dream
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