Is what I did wrong?

2 months ago 33

So my (16m) family did Christmas early at our house and my parents gave me a $35 Starbucks gift card. I go often before school so they know it’s something I will use. This morning I was giving my sister and her best friend (14f) a ride and her friend said she was jealous and mentioned if I did not want it she could spend it and parents would never have to know. I was hesitant obviously but told her sure in the moment. She gets Starbucks all the time so she said her parents would likely never even question it. She took the card when I dropped her off and said no worries it will just be spent. I just feel bad after the fact because I know my parents wanted me to treat myself but also It’s still going to be used (by her instead) and they will probably never find out. Was it wrong of me?

submitted by /u/moon29silver
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