Do you think there's a double standard for different people for the exact same thing?

2 months ago 36

And I'd figure the obvious answer is yes, especially with race and gender for example. A man and woman saying/doing the same thing. A white person and black person saying/doing the same thing. And then getting treated very differently.

But I'm more so talking beyond that. Like two people of the same or similar demographics in the same class, workplace, friend group, even family, etc. One can act like a jerk and it's just "how it is." Then the other person can say or do one mean thing and then it's all pearl clutching. Or one of them mistreats the other, and then nothing. Then the other person stands up for themselves and calls the first person out, then their whole social circle thinks they're the bad guy.

I ask because unfortunately I have found myself to be the latter often in my life. I just think some people have another privilege in life: idk what to call it, just the "bully" privilege? Lol. Just something about their character that can get away with being that way while others cannot.

submitted by /u/YesDaddysBoy
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