Wish there was a manual on how to live life with BPD

2 months ago 85

This is probably my 6th month of being fully diagnosed , and it's been challenging to say the least.

I just wish there was a way to navigate thru life while having this disorder.

It seems like as a try to focus on my diagnoses everything is falling apart and all I am loosing control.

For instance, a lot of people are quick to say "seek professional help"

Professional helps looks like this :

  1. Therapy

  2. Medication

  3. Hospitalization


When sought it seems like we are inconveniencing someone. Medication makes life feel unbalanced.

Hospitalization is not ideal because you have to miss work and we already are behind on our bills and will only make our worrying worse.

Then we have the element of the fear of abandonment which means it's hard to socialize or foster healthy relationships.

Does get life only get harder from here on out?

submitted by /u/kittenwisk
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