Will people ever do something?

1 month ago 44

I'm just curious when the breaking point is for this shit show of a society we call America. I haven't spoken to a single real person that doesn't disagree with how bullshit literally everything in this country is.

I could rant about that for hours but whats the point. We know it's unfair, we know the elites just toy with us for money, we know we're slaves. My question is why are we so helpless now?

Society has never relied more on normal people like us because we run it. We as the working class of people contain the power to change things.

A rebellion or boycott or just some form of retaliation has never been more of an agreeable idea and yet there is a single reason we're stuck where we are. Division.

If we can't unite, we'll never have the strength to overcome any of these things. The problem is we never will unite either.

Almost every single one of you is holding on to some bullshit agenda. Some spoon-fed beliefs that you hold onto your whole life and for what? What does left or right matter if they don't do shit for us anyway, they never have and never will.

But you'll keep insisting you're right, hating each other for it, and refuse to realize that your entire belief is propaganda.

I can and want to say so much more but it's pointless.

I'm just so defeated growing up in this society and realizing that the second my childhood was over, everything was over.

I would honestly prefer living in a fucking primitive hunter-gatherer group than this society of lies.

I'm just defeated man, what even are people now. They just hate me, you, and everything else in the world. But we're too caught up in orange man bad or brandon bad to ever consider not hating eachother. It's pathetic.

A part of me wants to just say fuck you to every single one of you for letting this happen and feeding into it, all the bullshit politics and war we created. But i did the same thing for 18 years of my life and i don't know what else i even can do other than this.

I just hope for better. This world is evil.

submitted by /u/BeneficialShelter665
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