Why does money feel like a such a big part of human life ?

2 months ago 44

Ever since finishing high school several years ago, money is the only thing that I notice majority people are working towards. Like it's a rat race for survival. If you don't have a job then you go broke and there are many various ways people make money from the good and bad perspective. Some do bad from robbery, selling drugs and stuff. While majority of work for someone and in exchange we get paid but society looting us in so many ways like taxes and living expenses rising over the years but wages aren't increasing. Any video on social media about money is usually learning a skill to leverage job opportunities or go to college or take that course or start a business. More money gives a sense of security and relief. Some jobs that unskilled don't get paid in fast food and retail stores but if a person is working on a computer gets paid twice or more. Nowdays people who are in extreme desperate situations do anything to survive. It's crazy if we don't work for money then we just basically become homeless. Money is literally your way of survival

submitted by /u/Jpoolman25
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