Why do jobs ghost hire people ?

3 months ago 35

I’ve been on the job search for a few months I was finally able to land an interview with a job last week. I showed up to the interview on time and I was “hired”on the spot, the woman told me to watch my emails because HR would be sending me paperwork to fill out. A few days go by and I finally get the email to fill out the paperwork in which I completed the paperwork on the day it was sent to me. I was told by the manager who hired me when I complete the paperwork to give her a call to let her know. Okay, I do just that. She then tells me she will give me a call back later on that day to let me know when would be my official start date. So I’m waiting all day to get a phone call back from the manager. crickets absolutely nothing. Mhm I figured maybe she was busy so I waited 2 more days still no call from the manager about when is my start date

I am still waiting for the phone call on day 3. I don’t understand how do you tell someone their “hired” have them complete all of this paperwork but you don’t actually give them a start date.

I’ve been “hired” and ghosted in the past honestly this is what this situation here is starting to feel like.

Have any one of you been ghosted after being hired ? If so, how did you handle the situation?

submitted by /u/Energy_queen222
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