Why do I feel upset about my friend making new friends?

2 months ago 49

(21F)We've been very close friends for about a year and they've always wanted to meet new people and just have more friends in general. Recently they started more effort into people and are getting close to them. I m happy for them and ik whatever I'm feeling stems from me not thinking I'm good enough to be someone's friend and my fear of having noone. I, too, have other friends but I find myself being the particularly possessive about this one friend. Insecurity isn't something I've experienced for the first time, and ik it's normal to some extent but this one feels a bit extreme. I've always had a small circle of close friends and growing up had made me relized it just gets smaller, so this too makes me scared of losing the ones I've managed to make. I need more healthy ways to cope with this feeling.

submitted by /u/QuestionOk1469
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