Why do bad things happen that are just completley fucked? Is god real?

2 months ago 37

I have always held out hope for god and hope that jesus really does love us and care and one day we will all live happily in heaven but sometimes nothing makes sense and life just seems like unnessacary suffering for legit no reason.

I just dont get life. Yes i know its unfair but fuck. Looking on the news is just depressing. Either its some psyco fuck stabbing some innocent person on a subway or lighting them on fire.

Then you have a god damn plane crash killing everyone in a fucking instant . Maybe for that incident you could say well it was an accident fine ok

But the part i lose faith in everything is when i see literal kids a god damn 8 year old dying of cancer ! WHYYY? Or ill see kids who are being abused by the very people who were supposed to love them end up killing them.

Or you have literal children being raped and trafficked.

Its all so messed up

submitted by /u/Electronic_Salt_7679
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