Whats the deal with Jewish talk on podcast lately?

1 day ago 7

Not to go to deep into how people feel about Israel or Jews one way or another, but the fact of the matter is that in years past you would NEVER be caught dead saying anything bad about Jews on a podcast or YouTube unless your Nick Fuentes.

The last week I’ve seen clips of Candace Parker on Theo Vons podcast, Ian Carroll on Joe Rogan, Tate on some big big podcast, this other guy on Pierce Morgan and other miscellaneous clips of podcasters starting to question the American relationship with Israel and other bad things Israel has done

What’s the deal here? Did Israel actually fuck up with Gaza this time so bad that you are starting to hear about this more? Why are more podcaster allowing this type of talk when before it seemed like they’d be afraid of mentioning it?

Maybe this isn’t thread worth but trust something I’ve noticed a lot in the last week. Big Name podcast bringing on guest they never would have a year ago and specifically talking about Jews.

Is this all because of Gaza or what’s the deal?

submitted by /u/WillOk9744
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