What should i do during my gap year?

3 months ago 31

Hi all, once again i am turning to reddit for advice as i am not sure what to do.

I am 26f and just decided i want to go back to school for Respiratory Therapy. Where im from it’s free to upgrade your highschool classes, so for the time being thats what im doing. I just graduated with my bachelors in the spring and since then have been travelling across Europe. since getting home, i have been working a full time job in my home town and not really doing much else.

after europe, the plan was to save and move to BC which is a very expensive city but my best friends live there and i was going to find a job in my field out there and definitely have to hustle but the adventure would be worth it (i think)

now that im thinking of going back to school.. i would apply for admission in October next year and then find out around Feb. so i’d have the year to arrange to move to where my school is.

The alternative is to stay home which my parents have been pressuring me more and more to get married and yes id save lots of money but at the cost of my mental health 😭

another part of me says to go travel for a little between december and march but would that be a good idea if i was planning on moving that spring??

what would u guys do? move to bc anyway from July -July and then move again for school?

submitted by /u/kidcudi42o
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