We work for it. We kill for it. We betray for it.
But money isn’t real it’s an illusion we all agree to believe in.
Imagine if tomorrow, everyone collectively stopped believing in money. What would happen? The billionaires, the banks, the corporations, they wouldn’t actually have power. Their power only exists because we agree that this paper and these numbers on a screen are worth something.
Think about it
- We pay just to exist (taxes, rent, even birth & death certificates).
- People commit crimes for printed paper that has no inherent value.
- Food gets thrown away rather than given to the hungry because of “profits.”
- Banks collapse, and suddenly, your money isn’t “yours” anymore.
Just like salt used to be currency, and now it’s worthless, money is only valuable because we say it is.
So here’s the real question:
Is money the greatest control system ever invented? And if so, who REALLY benefits from us believing in it?
I broke this idea down further here: The paper god
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