What if everyone is right about what happens when we die?

3 months ago 38

What if everyone is right about death? All religious views, all the people who believe in eternal darkness, reincarnation, heaven, hell, ghosts, etc. What if all of the different concepts of what happens after death are all things that can happen when you die, and the only thing that will determine your end is the path you have conviction to follow?

Wouldn’t it make sense that much like you can’t just decide to be a doctor and magically you are, you have to put in the work to get a phd, equally religion is the roadmap to the afterlife prescribed?

If you believe that nothing awaits you in death, isn’t it a reasonable assumption that nothing is what you will have?

Life is lived in not just the black and white, but also gray areas. I don’t think there’s any true contradiction to any given view of the afterlife in contrast to the others outside of the view that after death is the highlander: “There can be only one!”

Especially with beliefs such as a heaven, where our families will be waiting, it stands to reason that the most effective way to manifest such a place is to instill that mental roadmap as a collective.

What if no choice is permanent, and death is a giant “food court” of options? If eternal darkness is just a destination for the tired, when they are ready to get back up they can come back to visit their children as a ghost, make sure they are ok and take a trip to see their relatives in heaven. After a time they feel a striking desire to give life another go, and hop another trip around the sun.

submitted by /u/Robando10
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