What do you do with people who you initiate the convo only?

2 months ago 34

I'm not really a ghosting person and tend to be more candid and like closure more than the average person so maybe this is why I ask what might be a stupid question.

Mostly referring to text exchanges. If you're typically the one to start the convo, are you just supposed to get the hint and stop texting the person? I don't normally double text or anything, but have realized with a few people that I'm the one to always start the text convo or check-in, or wish a happy birthday, etc.

The same people are also connected via social media and will like posts, but I feel that liking posts shouldn't replace actual real-life connection (feels fake in a way). Maybe that's the way I use social media. I'm not connected to a lot of people unless we're good friends or family mostly. Maybe that's a generational thing. I take breaks from social media a lot and may delete mine all together.

Are people just being polite by responding to texts? Do I delete their number? Their social media connection? Is it easier for people to care via social media? Let them know when I'm going off social media so they don't take it personal if they don't see the connection?

I know I'm overthinking it, but I also want to respect if those people actually want a connection to me or if they're just being polite in responding to texts.

submitted by /u/ThrowRA9046786
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