So me and my sibling have been talking the future of our lives for the past few years. And it especially hits my sibling right now because not only are they going to finish school next year, but all those people on social media are „showing of“ their lives and saying: „If your not doing anything with you life, you‘re going to end up as a loser.“. Like they are seeing all these guys, who are rich and chilling all day long. I was in the same situation, as I finished school last year, but now I‘m like wherever life lakes me, idgaf anymore. They just don‘t want to end up in a 9-5, especially when they don’t like it and work like 50 years only to have nothing left moneywise in the end. I‘m always asking myself, who thought of this concept and capitalism? Why are humans making it hard for themselves, even until the end? So my question would be, what your view on this whole concept of life is and how your are living now. And I‘m asking you to not be so rude, please. I‘m seeing very bad things here on reddit. We all have enough problems to deal with in life, not one problem needs to be added. Be kind and respectful to one another.
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