I'm 22, but am still financially dependent on my parents, have never held a job, haven't gone to college, and don't even have any skills. Not that I haven't tried, but I'm weirdly unlucky (i.e. several hundred job applications with under 10 replies, not one of which even accepted me), and mental health issues make it really hard to stay grinding, but that's a topic for a different sub. It feels like anything I start now is way too late and that I'll always be just trying to catch up. Pretty much everyone goes to college or gets their first job right after high school, but I'm well into my 20s, so it's really hard to feel like anything ever matters. To ever be someone who actually deserves to even live, I have so much worthlessness to make up for, but considering how old I am I'll just be starting something that should have been started years ago.
How can I ever make up for everything and actually matter? Is it hopeless? Should I just give up? Because I can't accept that I'm just starting late. It's one thing to start your main life path later than usual. A 30 year old starting college is nothing to be ashamed of because they have life experience and skills beforehand. It's another thing entirely to be a rotten nobody undeserving of life whose entire life has been spent rotting in isolation and BARELY getting started with basic adulthood in their damn 20s while all of their peers are just a year removed from high school. I'm not just starting late. I'm trying to undo my worthlessness, catch up, and actually matter, but I think it's too late.
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