Anybody who turned their life around in their 40s?

3 hours ago 1

I’m a female in my late 30s and I have been struggling with some realisations lately. The past 7 years have been without any significant achievements. I studied and worked top tier before that. Made a decision that brought no results, the career graph is downhill now.

In these 7 years, saw the dark side of my family, love relationships were always a challenge, been betrayed, been through trauma many times. I know that life is trying to teach me a lot of things but there have been no tangible results. It’s not as easy to pick up things now but I’ve made a start. Do you have a similar story? Some kind words to say?

I am single and have no friends. It gets lonely trying to deal with life all by yourself. I think I just wanted to share it all where someone would read, maybe someone would understand and care to respond.

submitted by /u/149597870
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