There has to be more

1 month ago 14

You wake up, then get started for your day, in whatever you do, meetings, go to a job, however, you make you’re living, or maybe you grew up already set not having to worry about getting somewhere on time to meet your standards, then comes night time where you wind down and take yourself to the sack and start it all over again, of course, there is in between where you have your extracurricular activities, for example, my hobbies are to make music and also workout, watch movies, etc. But I feel like there should be more access to this reality, we have so much to look forward to in life and I truly want to have the freedom to do whatever it is I wanna do rather than spend my whole day and week at a job, that's weekdays and weekends, I wanna wake up and go travel to the place I’ve been wanting to go and then continue that cycle of luxury with my pockets set and also not worry about having to come back to clock in. ULTIMATE FREEDOM, not this crap they’ve been telling us for the longest, Whatever way I have to go to truly live life the way I want, I’ll start it immediately. My goals in life are written down, and there is a lot on that list so I feel like I have to have everything on there to be satisfied, (maybe I’m a perfectionist) but I feel like that’s what keeps me in my focus lane, objectives and pursuing all I can think of. Becoming a full-time Musician is my ultimate goal since I have to rely on my day-to-day job but would love to try out new alleyways to fulfill my destiny.

submitted by /u/gappofficial
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