Theory: Elites are incorporating more dark/grey uninspired corporate designs to make life feel less creative and inspired.

4 hours ago 2
 Elites are incorporating more dark/grey uninspired corporate designs to make life feel less creative and inspired.

Colours inspire rebellion, creativity, artistic, emotional emotions subconsciously. When everything is so bland, plain and colourless, this shifts the conscious collective on a subconscious scale to be more conformative and hive minded. Here is one example (McDonald’s in attached image)

Anyway there’s 1000’s more. You ever notice that when you look at image from 2002 or something, and life in general just looks more colourful and vibrant. Cars, Nature, Buildings, people etc.

Everything looks too corporate, bland and serious nowadays. Colour reminds you of how expressive and beautiful the universe is. The global elite want you to stay in a depressive state.

submitted by /u/unrealgfx
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