Soul's Choice - Life and Karma Theory

1 month ago 34

There was a question in my mind: if we are supposed to face karma from our past lives as well, what's the use of it since we won't know which particular sins we are being punished for in this life? What's the purpose of punishment when we aren't aware of the sins committed that resulted in our current situation?

I asked this question to my spiritual teacher, and his answer blew my mind.

He explained that when we take rebirth, our soul chooses the karmas from our past lives. It's our soul that decides which karma it wants to settle in the next life. Our soul designs and chooses our life before birth from the entire pool of our karma from previous lives.

As we live, die, and are reborn, karma gets stored and settled in our karma pool. It's a loop that continues eternally. The karma we face gets settled and disappears from that pool, while the karma we create gets stored. This cycle continues until all karma is settled, but that's impossible as new karma constantly gets added to it.

The only way to escape this karma loop is to achieve the state of Moksha, where our karma is burned through knowledge, and we don't have to take rebirths to settle our karma.

However, there is a type of karma called "prarabdha" - this karma must be settled at any cost. No knowledge or ritual can burn this karma. We have to settle it no matter what.

This is the fascinating karma theory I recently learned about. Please share your views and let me know if anyone has more to add to this.

submitted by /u/No_forsaken
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