Sometimes I imagine how amazing it would be.

3 months ago 84

If some of the women I approached actually showed interest in me. Responded to my texts. Went on a date with me. Laughed at the shitty jokes I cracked. Did it for a couple of times. Then became my girlfriend.

Moved in with me. Spent time with me. Watched movies/tv shows with me in the evenings after work. Sundays we would go out brunch. In the summer we would go to the beach. Took romantic walks in the evening.

Eventually got married. Had kids. I would come home from work and they would come running to the door to say greet me. I would hug them real tight. As I would sit down to watch TV or relax after work. I would hear them running around the house laughing and playing.

Watching them grow up. Celebrating their birthdays. Watching them graduate Highschool. Worry about college admissions. Getting that job or admit from grad school. And finally they themself getting married.

I will turn 33 later this week. The older I get, the more I am starting to realize that I will probably die alone. Another 40 to 50 years of this crap and I will be done with this shit.

submitted by /u/Far-Back-1158
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