Running Around in Circles

4 hours ago 3

I am a 20 year old female (with that being said - my age means nothing to me, I am fully responsible for myself considering I don't have anyone who can help me out financially), I am an Esthetician, I moved out from my family home at 17 with my older sister and won't go back (not for any terrible reasons, It was just a toxic household for us), and I have very big goals and aspirations for my life.

With that last part being said.. I feel so stuck in my life right now. I would consider myself to be hyper-independent. My goal in life is to be so stable financially and mentally that I don't need anyone and be free of struggle. But all i've ever seen and known growing up was the struggle of money and financial insecurity. I also had little to no guidance when it came to life besides from my older sister who also had to figure life out on her own.

Now, ever since my sister and I moved out, we've been living the same cycle of life over and over again, not saying we haven't progressed because we have but we always end up in the same rut. The cycle tends to be: We jump from job to job, move and move, and always seem to come to a dead end when it comes to actually making action to be free of this "cycle". Right now in particular it's been the hardest, I feel like i'm in a hole running around in circles and i'm losing my mind. I'm aware and i've been told my whole life how much potential I have to be great because I am a very creative person and very ahead for my age but I can't seem to make something out of it, maybe because I self-sabotage or i'm afraid to take risks because I'm scared of losing what I already don't have. I have no backup.

My situation right now is: I'm currently living with my sister and her boyfriend (he's rich). We are both depending on him and it literally makes me want to crawl out of my own skin but with my own financial situation there's nothing I can do but put up with it right now. I do currently have a job in my career as an esthetician in a day spa but it's very inconsistent since it's commission only and no hourly pay. I've applied to over 30+ jobs in my city to be able to work at a Medspa since i'm over qualified for my current job (I'm a Medical Aesthetician) but I have had no luck. I wanted to stick to my career because I love it and it has the potential to pay well but with the looks of it i'm either going to need another job being a server or something like that or just leave my current job and find a job that will be consistent and full time. Only because I need to get out of my current situation. I can't live here anymore, my mental health and proactivity is declining so hard and I HATE being comfortable— depending on someone who shouldn't have to worry about me at all in the first place. I would love to own my own suite because I know i'm great at what I do but I feel so far from that.

With that being said I need to make money quickly and get myself out of this hole to be able to move out by myself and hustle for myself. I think that putting myself in that position will force me to figure things out but I have no savings and make less than $1,500 a month. I need advice or guidance from someone who made it out of a similar situation or any help is appreciated. <3

submitted by /u/Savings_Cell_418
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