Relationship building with strangers. 23 (m)

1 month ago 22

I'm 23 and I have a question. I'm still single and I have nobody and don't really care if I never kissed anybody.

Recently, I started to learn how to make people laugh and have good vibes with them. Even if there are some stupid jokes I sometimes get the customer service rep or a banker to joke with me and sometimes their like fuck yeah and they will joke with me, lol.

Most of the time recently people have started to open up to me or they come up to me instead wanting to talk to me like in the gym.

I wanted your guys advice because I suck at relationship building or getting past talking stages with people. Should I focus on just vibing with people and see where it goes?

My main goal is to make friends and see where everything else goes. When I look more attractive in looks wise more people have generally been attracted to me as I've seen stares compared to when I don't look as good.

submitted by /u/Last_Consequence2760
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