Regardless of your height I think you should work towards being happy and at peace.

1 month ago 92

Hi guys!

I wanted to make this post to see if I could help someone, I'm a 5'0 man so I can 100% relate to all of the bad experiences being short come with, trust me.

I'm going to try and give a more conventional advice before giving the unconventional advice that helped get better.

I don't know how short you are, I don't how how ugly you are, but above all things you should focus on not being a loser.

Now, this is very ambiguous, I know.

This is going to be different for everyone, why? Because everyone has different definitions for what being a winner/loser means.

In my case, even if I'm unable to get love/relationships, I'm not a loser, I still have the chance to be a winner on my book, how? By taking care of myself, by not abandoning my life, and naturally, by not spending hours of my life arguing with people on reddit.

When you argue when someone on reddit and having a pity party for being ugly/short you are not winning, at all. trust me I know.

I'm sure that I'm going to miss details while writing this, so by all means if you have more questions and are interested the hit me up! I would love to help in any way I can.

  1. And now, the unconventional advice.

Give up.

Not on life, but love and relationships. In my case I have many genetical defects, I wasted more time than I'm happy to admit on trying to be a "catch" when it comes to dating.

I can assure that seeing so many better/normal men than me everyday get love without effort would fuck me up tremendously.

Ever since I was able to give up I've been able to grow as a person and to have way more time on my life! Now I have hobbies and stuff, this time not to meet people or whatever. I have hobbies just to have fun, why? Because life sucks ass, and it's our responsibility to do our best to work so it sucks less.

So yeah, I guess that the TL;DR would be: Don't be a loser, your feeling good and bad ones are valid, but wasting your life on reddit crying is lame as hell, don't be lame, not for someone else, but for you.

And again, if you are interested on trying to get better accepting your bad hands in life then hit me up!

submitted by /u/Nice_Tradition1333
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