Pursuit of Happiness

3 months ago 59

Im 26 and currently feeling anxious all the time. My life has never been more exciting, but with that my anxiety has been knocking at my door constantly.

I don’t think I’m stupid (or as stupid as I constantly tell myself I am) but not knowing all the answers and not knowing how to take better care of myself has driven me to take IQ tests just to confirm that.

These days, what helps me is journalling down my bursting emotions and anxiety, giving myself step-by-step procedures to keep it together. I find myself struggling to survive, so that is stressful but I want to also remember I can “enjoy” this ride even though it’s foreign and bumpy too.

I want to do many things but my own anxieties hold them back… and I wish to have a freer mind and peaceful soul to keep exploring life rather than spiralling.

I keep comparing myself to others… are there better ways to stay motivated and ahead of the game without doing so? Envy really is the thief of joy.

submitted by /u/bluewhaleinthesea
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