Purpose of life- A rant

3 months ago 33

This is somewhat lengthy and boring, so viewer discretion is advised :)

What is the purpose of life? A question that, might have persisted ever since the beginning of humanity or rather the beginning the life itself. Well as a person from this era I can’t really talk about the perspective of humans (since I’m a human myself) of the past. But does that mean that I can talk about the perspective of that question with the humans of my own era? I believe that answer would be negative one as well because the perspectives of humans no matter the era belongs to that particular individual. And since I raised this topic, I believe that I should put in my views in front or rather the questions that I have in hopes that I would receive an answer to that when I’m nearing the end of my life.

First of all, before I begin into the details of the topic, I believe I should introduce a bit about myself so tat one can see where my views originate from. I’m at 22 years old as of now and in life I’m at a place where its common to see many individuals of a similar life as myself. I have a normal family at least by Indian standards, consisting of a sibling and both my parents. I’m working at an organization where many would like to work at a normalish salary. I don’t have an existing social life as such but I can meet with people (both new and old) and talk to them normally with some of them being people who I can open up about certain things without it really mattering.

So well back to the topic now. What is the point of living s life? I agree there are experiences that are good and bad and with the majority of them being neutral, mundane ones. There are people who you look forward to meeting to and there are people who you don’t and there are people who it doesn’t matter if you meet or no. there are things you like to do and things you like to do and there are things you don’t and there are things that doesn’t bother you if it happens or no. But at the end of the day what is the point of all of it. Like what is the purpose of our lives. Want if the purpose of us being able to very question the existence of ourselves. Humanity from the beginning have been creating marvels upon marvels. Like from when we used stone tools and now, we have devices that connect to anyone in this vast world, what is the point of me as an individual? To live my life to the fullest?? Then societies as we know it wouldn’t have the concept of rules. To have a greater purpose in life? Then why not let it be known so one can fulfill it to the utmost. Why does the very concept of life exist? Is there a reason for it? Why do we wander around with questions and questions in our head?

From my point of view, the very existence of life is to solve these questions but the question still stands as to why does an individual’s questions and answers need to be completed for them to figure out the very meaning if their existence. Why couldn’t it be any simpler. Blessed are people who have goals in life, but what about people who don’t. People who are just living because they are told to, people like me. Do we just go around living as others around us have been living? With the same set of rules or standards where if you step outside you are treated as an outcast.? I don’t think anyone else would be able to answer this question for someone other than themselves. But the reason I wrote this is so that it can be a help to others who can see various other perspectives and arrive at an answer themselves. Especially for myself.

submitted by /u/Ok-Condition5012
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