People who identify themselves through their jobs have a sad existence - "love my job" part 2

2 months ago 66

After I received that much love (not) with my previous post about life, I would like to point out one thing: if someone "loves their job" and identify themselves through their jobs, they have such a minimalistic view of life and are missing out on life experiences.

There is so much more in life than your job and if you are seeking purpose and fulfilment throughout your job, you eventually will feel emptiness and disappointment. At the very latest, once you retire, and you are not needed anymore.

You can be, let's say, a passionate teacher, but if you are not able to switch off the traits of a teacher in other situations in life, you will never have the opportunity to have exposure to other things. You will feel out of your comfort zone and you miss out on life. In addition, you won't have the time and financial resources to enjoy life to the fullest.

Financial independence is the only thing that matters. Working 40h a week is modern day slavery regardless of your profession and passion. If you cannot see that, you either don't have any other interests in life (sad) or not enough family or friends that you actually want to spend time with (sad).

submitted by /u/WhatWouldYourMother
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