Overall yuck

2 months ago 32

I have this fairly new annoyance for everyone. My husband, my sisters, my mom, nieces, friends, coworkers, neighbors and even my therapist … I find I get so annoyed and pissed internally at all of them…which then is evident on my face and attitude. It’s unacceptable to me and embarrassing. I find ways I dislike them and get really ugly in my thoughts, chewing me up inside. It’s so consuming. It’s definitely more since 2020. I am taking extended time off of work due to insomnia and PTSD caused by my job, but I have to go back in a few months. I am a teacher and I know I’ll be annoyed and miserable interacting with the kids. I used to be happy and easy-going. I find I have a short fuse and dislike most humans now. Any suggestions on how to stop being such a miserable person?

submitted by /u/Ill_Establishment406
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