Our lives are actually kinda absurd when you really think about it

1 month ago 42

We're all just a bunch of brains in an evolved apes suit on a single floating rock from a possible infinite amount, somewhere in the possible infinite void of space that got here after 4 billions years of evolution, with no idea how life originally started or what consciousness even is. Started off as atoms then single celled organisms, then multicellular, then fish then mammals then apes and now just a hairless apes who walk upright and have a larger brain than the other millions of species.

We were hunter gatherers for millions of years, just like all the other animals and now we've created society's and agriculture and cities and governments and jobs and laws and cars and phones and the Internet and AI and planes and imagined constructs like religion and money. And most people don't even stop to think where we've even come from or the lore of humanity, as if everything just makes sense and we're not on a crazy trajectory.

None of us having a choice in even being here but just finding ourselves thrust into this random reality. Having no clue why we are here, where even here is, and ultimately whatis actually going on. No idea where we go when we die, no idea if God exists or all of this sprung into being from nothing, or maybe something's always existed, maybe we've been here a million times, living out the same lives again and again. No matter which way you spin it, it's a paradox, existence itself is a paradox, it should not be, how can either something come from pure nothing or something eternally have always been with no origin. And the crazy part is not even one person can answer those questions. We have no idea. We're in the dark about nature of all of our lives, me you and everyone else on this planet

submitted by /u/Round_Window6709
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