Basically once you understand that the government will do things like 9/11 then nothing else is off the table. And the government did do 9/11. Just look at the evidence. Multiple eye witnesses of explosions in the basement before the planes hit. 45degree cuts in the steel. Hundreds of engineers explaining basic physics. The video of the second plane that has something underneath the fuselage like a military plane. Then there’s the small detail of the bomb dogs being pulled from the Lobby the weekend before. The elevator refurbishment. The 36 hour power outage the weekend before. The insurance job. The massive ‘puts’ on AA and UA and Boeing stock weeks leading up to September. Etc etc etc. finally the small inconvenience that is building 7. Don’t even mention the pentagon. It was obviously a missile.
Once you realise the government did this then you have to acknowledge that nothing else will be off limits for them.
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