Not sure what I want to do

2 months ago 33

I've been to college. I have two degrees (BA and AA). I've worked in those fields and they don't excite me as much anymore and/or the pay isn't there.

I work retail and have a very good system worked out with my boss. I've been there 6 years out of desperation, and to get through covid when it started (we never closed during the pandemic). I do have a side business I love, but I don't know how to make it grow beyond what I'm already doing.

I just feel so stuck and I'm not sure how to invest my time anymore without wasting my money. I don't have a lot of money, and I basically had to start from level 1 all over again to build myself back up. I can't afford to go back to school or do classes for things unless I know it'll be beneficial.

Just not really sure where to turn to or how to find things that interest me.

submitted by /u/asparkaflame44
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