Not sure if this will be removed: Is it just me who finds the world, reality, and people to be so impersonal, transactional, and superficial?

3 hours ago 3

After graduating, I started to realise quickly how impersonal and superficial life truly is. This hit me like hot air to the face in the workplace. Why is it that the world is so impersonal and superficial? Why the lack of empathy when each and everyone of us go through hardships. For instance, a small example can be words/phrases that hold immense weight are casually thrown about with no depth and value e.g. expressing care, love and kindness.

I resented and promised myself to never become someone who'd think that way. Yet the workplace and the reality of friends i.e. conditional bonds with aligned interests, have numbed me to care less except for family. People will not hesitate to run you under the bus if necessary, and that I find maddening. I'm conscious this all sounds depressing and I try to remain realistic.

But it seems the only way to truly live is with oneself and in the company of family. There's just no point in getting attached or getting closer to anyone else. Its already difficult as it is nowadays to find a partner, so why try?

Happy to hear your thoughts...

submitted by /u/UniversalRhyme05
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