Need relationship advice - should I get back with my ex?!

1 month ago 27

Me and my ex boyfriend were together for 6 years and we have a child together. During the first couple of years, I felt like he wasn't there for me when I was pregnant and the first year after birth I was basically doing everything on my own with little support from him .. this caused me to build up resentment towards him and this stupidly lead me to cheat online, I talked and flirted with several different men online and I sent nudes to one of them (very wrong I know) but I never had any intention of meeting them, and I never did. This went on for 2 months and then we decided to go on a break for a couple of weeks .. after this break my partner suspected i had been talking to people online and I ended up telling him everything, it was rough but we talked everything through and agreed to move past it and stay together as a couple. He then stepped up as a father and partner and became more helpful and responsible.

He then went on to cheat on me and had sex with 5 women (without protection) over the past couple years , kissed another 5 women and created a secret account to try and meet up with several more. He said he did this because he was heartbroken about what I did and he became paranoid that I was going out and physically cheating on him as well so it became like a tit for tat thing and he did it to protect himself, because in his head he thought that if I was cheating on him then if he did it as well it wouldn't hurt him so badly. He now wants to work things out and thinks because we both cheated we should just start fresh. I do want to keep our family together and i miss the good times we had. Opinions? I have never met up with anyone or been physically intimate with anyone throughout our entire relationship, but he thought I was so that's how he's trying to justify what he's done. Also just to add, he is extremely apologetic and admits he was wrong and swears he would never do it again.

submitted by /u/Camellia2112
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