My job helped me realize just how much I like senior citizens

1 month ago 32

I work as an office manager in a residential building, and most of the people residing here are senior citizens. I can’t express just how lovely most of them truly are.

Here’s an example: One time, an older lady named Joan entered the office because she was looking for something. I noticed that she was carrying a black floral purse, which reminded me of my grandma who passed away when I was 6. She used to wear black floral tops and dresses all the time. When I told Joan this, she replied: “You can call me grandma if you’d like!”

Another time, an older man named Ronald came to the office to pay his rent. I asked him if he wanted to see some art I made, so he obliged. Then after I showed him my latest drawing, he looked at me with wide eyes and said: “You’re a professional! What are you doing working here?!” Which was very sweet of him to say. When he left, he said that he’d marry me if I were 75 years old.

The seniors are my favorite aspect of working here. They’re like my adoptive grandparents, and I feel like many of them have adopted me as their surrogate grandchild

submitted by /u/empathicsynesthete
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