pretty much the title. im so burdened by anxiety and wherever i turn i just see another dead end. i have hobbies im passionate about but where i am there just no way absolutely zero chances of implementing them to make some money. the things that interest me dont make money and the things that make money are so immensely uninteresting to me i cant be half assed to make even an inkling of effort towards them. i feel like im just existing just passing by through life. im currently looking for a job and im living off of my parents' allowance. i am 25. i feel like im wasting away yet i feel so utterly left behind by the world. i realize no one is going to save me and i am not owed anything in life. i just feel numb most of the time. if my natural needs are met and my medical issues are adressed i literally couldnt care less about anything else. my dreams have been crushed. i dont believe in anything. i have no goals set to be acheived. i was never an overly ambitious kid but it seems currently im even less ambitious. i am so sick of it all.
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