Why should I be ethical to a system that thrives off exploitation?

11 hours ago 4

Someone please tell me how it makes sense for me to be truthful and honest to a system that makes it its mission to make sure I don’t succeed with lies, deception and exploitation?

Someone please tell me why I should be ethical to a system that creates artificial barriers that stop me from living life on my own terms.

If the system is going to create artificial barriers by exploiting me and lying to me about what’s really available to me, then it only makes sense that I should use unethical ways of getting ahead to overcome these barriers correct?

Someone plz make truth, honesty and morality make sense to me in a system that uses the opposite to thrive.

If I’m not harming other people with my unethical ways of surviving and creating my own path then I don’t see the problem.

Make this make sense.

submitted by /u/DivineGoddesss-666
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