My ex wife had sex with another guy with me on the phone

2 months ago 32

Long story short me and my ex wife have been separated for a little over a year we was still keeping in contact we slept on the phone together we both agreed that we was still in love with eachother (or so I thought) I was between jobs and she was always ill due to just coming out of surgery and was living with her parents and I didn't want her to be homeless while she was ill I was house hunting and would visit her occasionally a few weeks ago I called her up and another guy answered the phone and called me a low life while saying she's his wife now I was devastated and couldn'tve believe what was happening I been getting a divorce together with all the paper work and everything I sent them over immediately and received them signed and all I called her a few hours ago just to make some sort of sense out of everything and the guy she was with answered the phone again we argued for a few minutes and after allowing Him to mock me and my disability I heard him call her over and started to tell her filthy things to do to him and she did them I didn't hang up and listened in silence and disgust because I was so disparate for any sort of closure and even after that I still haven't received it he lied about allowing her to talk and when I put her on the phone I asked her why she would do all this and act in such a childish way even then she didn't have the decency to answer or even respond she acted like I was a psychopath who was stalking her for no reason and when I brought up text messages and call logs she denied them saying I can make fake conversations and make up text messages (I do not) now I'm just sitting here looking at old pictures of us and staring at the tattoo of her name on my arm completely numb to all my feelings and feeling disconnected from everything I won't be telling anyone I know irl about this because I feel ashamed it happened and don't know if I'll trust anyone ever again

Thank you all for reading this far if you did and I apologize if my post isn't allowed here but I needed to get this out somewhere and the other subreddits banned me a long while ago also I apologize for any grammatical errors

submitted by /u/Mikenlv
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