Most painful thing

2 months ago 64

I’ve been writing small pieces for some time and looking to start going public with it. But unsure wether my writing abilities are of enough quality to pick up attention. (I’m more of a thinker rather than a reader) Here’s my piece:

I’ve heard truth, from myself and others. At first it stung, reaching deep for my ego. Picking out flaws hurts only when it comes from others. Myself is loved and accepted, the feedback is worthy of seeking. Once digested, pick up the pieces and build a new, better version of myself. But when it comes to telling others, it seems like a noble act, yet it’s rarely welcomed. It stings and it burns, so heavy to bare. When they hear it, they feel it, it hurts when we share. I thought sharing is caring, but when giving a loving truth - the kindest of acts to be given with soothe. The words that we use for the honesty, when chosen unwisely, can slice deeper than sharpest of blades. The pain is on surface, so you feel every inch of the surface touched by the words. That’s why so many give you excuses Why they’re that way, there’s always a reason Idea of “I’m the way I am” is comforting and doesn’t require pain to experience.

submitted by /u/nachiket_t
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