Most of what you learn in SCHOOL is useless and you're just wasting your time

3 hours ago 1

Hello world. Today I want to discuss the topic about school. It may already be a full discussed topic but I want to add my opinion.

90% of what you learn in school is completely useless, and 90% of your time spent in school is wasted as well.

I begin with saying that I live in Italy, and I'm in common that the US takes education very serious, putting themself in a big debt and prioritizing that over almost everything, so the "situation" might be different here in EU

I did 5 years of elementary, 3 of middle school and got the degree after 6 years of high school (one of the hardest schools I could do, about IT and coding and electronic)

I always thought about the fact that school is useless and this system is completely fuggd up. I repeated that to my parents but they kept "pushing" me to school in good ways and sayd that when I'll be grown up I get why it was so important.

Now I'm kinda grown up, I got a job and didn't change my opinion yet.

Now lets talk about the 10% that is useful going to school: - socializing/making friends - basic language/math skills - getting used to do smt regularly, like waling up at 6am every day (discipline) - discovering talents (for example in sports) - learning how to learn (!!!)

I know that these 5 points seem to make up way more than 10%, but in my opinion these 5 skills or points absolutely don't need 13 years to aquire (in my opinion they could all be done in less than a year)

Lets talk about work, as the school should prepare us all to get a job. When I was in high school, the teachers repeated to us constantly that that was the best school I could do where I live, and that I would get non stop offers from companies seeking workers. They were right. But was 13 years of education necessary for this? No. The only thing that companys watch is the piece of paper that u get at the end of the schools (degree), so basically they can only see the results of what happened in like 3 weeks of final exams.

Now at the job that I'm at I don't need 90% of what I've learnt. And the company specializes in the exact sector of the high school that I did.

So my conclusion is, 13 years of hard work educating urself and keeping the discipline of going are the most wasted years you could imagine of. Especially if the companies only hire u for a degree that might not reflect your education a little bit, and is completely irrelevant bc some 10yr old kid could do the same job.

Now my objective isn't to come here to spread negativity, I want to hear your opinion, and see if there are someone who thinks it like me.

Remember, if you're US citizen you most likely will be agains my opinion, bc as I said the education system from EU to US might be very different.

(My english might not be perfect, it's not my first language)

submitted by /u/LatterTangerine3162
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