Genuine question about Ukraine

4 hours ago 3

I already know I’m going to be met with insults and no real answers because that’s what most of yall do but I want to ask anyways. What do you expect out of the Ukraine war? A lot of yall believe trump was in the wrong for standing up for the country and trying to negotiate peace. Ukraine cannot win. the only way this ends is either Russia taking all of Ukraine, nato/america stepping in, or a peace treaty. Trump cut off funding because zelynski isn’t trying to negotiate a peace treaty in a war they cannot win and would rather continue to throw his citizens to their deaths and continue a unwinable war against Russia. Is trump really wrong for trying to push for a peaceful resolve to this conflict before it gets worse? Also why are yall so worried about a country across the world when we have our own problems here?

submitted by /u/flipaelbow
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