Addicted to growth

4 hours ago 3

Good day to you all,

Today I found out my major ailment. (Thanks to reddit). And I now wish to share my victory with you people.

Today I read a post asking about patterns that people recognise in others and themselves. Being interested in what ailments other people endure, I took a look. The top comment resonated with me fiercely, speaking of people being addicted to growth and fearing stagnation.

Allow me to elaborate.

4 years ago, I was in debt. Not too deep, but deep enough. Unpaid subscriptions, fines and speeding tickets. My dad offered me a way out by working for him before it was too late. Shortly after that my uncle asked me if I would work with him in his plumbing job.

After a year I got a job offer at a big energy company, installing boilers and heaters Withing a year I was unofficially promoted to foreman. 7 months ago the same company offered me an office job which I gladly took.

This means that I went from being broke and hopeless to high functioning office job in 4 years.

In this 4 year process, I've often looked for other jobs. Some shortcut to get where I want to be instantly. Often resulting in discussions and fights with my partner. Who already saw my addiction to growth.

That's my story, I hope it entertained you for a minute.

Does someone recognise this in themselves? How do you deal with this, I'm interested in your stories.

Kind regards, SW_HW

submitted by /u/Sharpwitted_Halfwit
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