Makes you wonder….

2 months ago 32

Such a wild time in America! This healthcare CEO got shot and killed and a lot of people are hoping they never find the killer. While I don’t feel the killing is justified, the logical and well put together arguments that some of these people who agree with what the killer did are saying and the points that they bring up almost have the ability to make you think that maybe just maybe they’re not as messed up as people might think they’re for saying how they feel. Listen the truth of the matter is everyone has the right to feel and say whatever they want and as a society we can agree or disagree.

But the question remains his company has and will continue to ruin many people’s lives by denying certain people life saving treatments for pre existing conditions or for other reasons that we don’t know about. Is it all about money? So they can become richer and fill their pockets? Is this guy considered a hero by some because now the other CEO’s of large healthcare companies will be thinking twice before they come up with new laws to screw others out of life saving treatments? If that’s the case could something that some might consider “ GOOD” come out of this? Just makes me question life and I always believe in Karma! Did this CEO get his Karma? As I type this I thought I saw this one way but I don’t know!

submitted by /u/Willing-Medicine-113
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