Loving someone

2 months ago 31

I don't know why, but sometimes I feel like the perception I have of my friends isn't accurate not in terms of being good or bad people, but in understanding their intentions. For example, if I assume someone has certain intentions, my predictions often turn out to be the opposite. Whenever I try to figure out someone's personality or thoughts, they end up proving how wrong I am in guessing them, which makes me feel sad. There are days when the people I admire seem available to me, but only for a few seconds, a few minutes, or rarely an hour. Other times, they seem completely unreachable, and I start to feel like I'm the only one putting in effort.

I don't know why the availability of my favorite person affects me so much, even when I'm busy. I still want that person to stay in contact with me and not be completely unavailable. I feel like this part of me, which everyone calls immaturity, is the reason people don't take me seriously or tend to take me for granted

It's not like I'm restricted to just one favorite person—I have many close friends. But I don't know why I still feel this way. Despite having close friends, I feel neglected, like I don't know how to express myself. I'm a sincere person—always giving, loving, and supportive. I just want to use this trait to give my all to someone, but things aren't going the way I hoped. I feel like my immaturity is the reason, but at the same time, I want people to understand that I know how to handle life. I'm not a kid—I know how to deal with things. Please take me seriously. This feeling makes me want to cry.

submitted by /u/blinkpink00
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