I have come to terms with what has been broken, The pieces scattered, a desolate token. No glue can mend the fissures, the cracks remain, A constant ache, a soul-eroding pain.
Lost in the labyrinth of shattered dreams, Wandering aimlessly, it forever seems. The compass broken, the stars obscured, A soul adrift, forever immured.
The echoes of laughter, a distant refrain, Now replaced by whispers of unending rain. The vibrant hues of life, now faded and gray, Replaced by the shadows that linger each day.
And hope, a flicker, a fragile, small flame, Has long since dwindled, extinguished in shame. Now only the darkness, a suffocating shroud, Envelops my being, whispering aloud, There is no escape, no solace to find, Only this emptiness, this despair to bind. Forever broken, forever lost and alone, A soul adrift, a desolate, hollow tone. -Tiger
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