Lack of success hampering life (38/M)

3 months ago 41

I've been having some issues with life (38/M NYC), really primarily financial, having lots of trouble finding something to earn Me a decent income... I'm single living by myself running a car and have a cheap apartment. Use to depend on being a rideshare driver but the industry took a bad hit 2 years ago. Since then I haven't been able to keep afloat, always turning to family for handouts can't even fully pay my own bills, it's very dire

It's not that I can't get a girlfriend, it's just I have trouble keeping one due to finances and the inability to find or keep any sort of meaningful job or hustle... Not in crazy debt or addicted to anything whatsoever , just can't get or keep any sort of decent means of providing for myself even, it's so sad ... and the only Females that stay are the crashouts, the ones with so many problems and or addictions they tend to look the other way (and I have to look the other way too despite their problems being many magnitudes more severe than mine) that I have nothing and I hate that I have to settle for that just to have some companionship.. it's a rough world .. I'm almost 40 and I need something to save Me... With the holidays comming up this really got Me thinking.. I want to make my family friends and myself proud with prosperity and success in all areas of life but how can I even do this...

I'm a 38/M White or white passing born American with no criminal record , relatively attractive with an Associates degree which I know isn't really worth much but it's something .. but I need opportunity... wtf do I do I'm miserable everyday

submitted by /u/Slow_Yellow_7699
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