
2 months ago 32

Im a male 14 and feel like i may have got laced, Ive been dizzy similar to a drunk or high for around two days as-well as occasionally experiencing random derealization and other weird symptoms like randomly looking around and having almost like flashback scenes play in my mind. I hit a vape yesterday and the day before that, hit a cart a week ago, and i also drank a little bit on monday, but it was from a store so i dont believe it was from that. It was around monday night when i first started feeling it and i thought it was just sleepiness until it persisted until today. What feels weird is that its almost like a weed high but the last time i did that was a week ago and it cant last that long so its really been freaking me out cause it makes me think i had to have been laced unless theres some sort of medical condition to do this. This situation has really made me sober up and never want to touch anything like that again. Ive really been worrying about this and if anyone has any help or answers please do respond immediately. Ive posted this to other subreddits but i just really want answers soon

submitted by /u/dexter1737272
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