Stable job, stable relationship, stable living arrangements. Feeling very grateful.

12 hours ago 5

I (22M) live in the UK, in a large city (not London/Birmingham/Manchester but top 10 by population/size).

I have a stable, permanent, full-time job, working for the Government in a technical role. It's not particularly high-paying, but I finished university recently, so that's not to be expected yet. The office is in walking distance.

I've been with my wonderful (23F) partner for over 6 months now. We met at university. I feel like our relationship is growing and maturing every day and feels very stable and loving. We've met each other's parents and have planned a small holiday in Europe for this year.

I live in the city centre in a 2 bedroom apartment with her, owned by my family. I am currently paying rent to them but have made arrangements in the long term to (probably) buy it myself someday. I value location over space so I'm happy to live in an apartment for the next few years, maybe up until we choose to have children.

I have around £10000 of my own savings from working that I'm currently keeping in a savings account whilst I learn more about finance, the economy, and investment. (Seems like the stock market isn't doing so hot right now...)

I have a good relationship with my friends and family and see them often. I'm in pretty good health, exercise when I can, and love where I live. I feel like my life isn't "remarkable" or "outstanding" at a true outlier level, but definitely fortunate. I'm young and excited about my future. The main reason I'm making this post is firstly to express gratitude about my situation, and secondly to show sympathy to what many people are going through. I've seen a lot of conversation about people struggling with jobs and employment, with savings, and with living arrangements. High rent prices, living with toxic family / roommates, struggling to make ends meet, relying on foodbanks and hoping for no unfortunate surprises. For those living in the US (and many other countries), having to deal with an "unsteady" government must be so stressful. The UK's governance is currently pretty stable, (although it could always be better,) and I know life can be so hard. I'm fortunate to not have to factor in many other additional expenses, like car / travel payments, health insurance, dependents like children or dogs, and other such things.

I'm so grateful for my position in life. If things are looking up for you, I'm happy and excited for you, and if times are hard for you, I really hope they improve soon.

(Tried not to add too many details e.g. the name of the city I live in or what degree I did just in case someone I know actually comes across this.)

submitted by /u/Googaloog
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