Just a year ago, I was diagnosed with low serotonin levels in my brain.

1 month ago 58

Even the smallest thing could easily make me feel sad, though I was working hard to make positive changes in my life.

I experienced severe mood swings, which led me to visit a psychiatrist. I was on medication for three months. However, I kept my hope high and faith alive because I believed I was destined to be a conqueror.

I started focusing on positive aspects of everything around me. I appreciated people and admired them wholeheartedly whenever they did something kind for me.

I forgave those who had hurt me in the past and stopped holding onto resentment for their actions. I thanked the universe profusely for everything and expressed my love for it every day.

I read uplifting books, journaled daily and kept myself busy as much as possible.

I smiled often and spoke to people with an open heart. I focused on my studies to become a psychologist which I am still pursuing so that I can be a help to others.

Now, I am in a much better place. I am happy and deeply grateful to the universe for this wonderful life. I'm savoring every bit of it and feel empowered.

I feel love for everything around me, and that love is reflected back to me by others. Life has become beautiful.

I wish to share some of the positivity in my life with you, too.

submitted by /u/malayanchely
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